Thank you for supporting Nassan's Place by participating in our 10th Annual Nassan's 5K Walk for Autism. The registration form must be completed by all participants.
Want to submit payment online? Just use the PayPal buttons below! Registration for adults is $25, ages 5-17 is $15, and 4 and under is FREE.
Please contact us with any questions! Thank you for your support!
CHILD Ticket 5-17

ADULT Ticket

Please use this form to track your donations! All checks are to be payable to "Autism Awareness Walk to Nassan's Place." Please turn in the completed form with your payments to the registration table on the day of the event!
You are also able to submit your donations via our PayPal!​

Thank you for your tax-deductible donation!
Gold Sponsorship - $3,500
Name on a T-shirt
Name & Logo Listed on Website
Name & Logo on Social Media
Table Setup & Name Listed at Walk

Platinum Sponsorship - $5,000
Name on a T-shirt
Name & Logo listed on the Website
Name & Logo on all Promotional Materials, Press Release, and Social Media
Table Setup & Name Listed and Acknowledged at Walk

Silver Sponsorship - $2,000
Name on a T-shirt
Name Acknowledged on Social Med
Table Setup & Name Listed at Walk

Bronze Sponsorship - $500
Name on a T-shirt
Name Listed at Walk